Friday, July 18, 2008

Your "Typical" Retreat Day

Upon rising in the privacy of your condo, shared with intriguing women, you pull on a loose, airy outfit then meander across the cobblestones to the Retreat. You arrive just in time for slow, quiet stretches and "Sun Salute" on the rooftop as the sun comes up.

With coffee in hand you join everyone who has gathered with paint & pen materials 'round the large table for a watercolor sketching demonstration by Elaine. Today, we're watching how to use wax crayons in conjunction with watercolor painting. We wander down to the nearby beach for some solo sketching & writing. After a period time, our teachers check in on each one of us for some one-on-one encouragement, reminding us to meet after the lunch break. As ladies share their "journaling experience", we all listen and learn technique tips. Then, we move on to a playful word game.

For dinner, the adventurous may join the group taking the local bus into town, while others walk down to the nearby cafe overlooking the beach.
After sunset, we had options to walk the beach or return to the workshop space to experiment with "telling our personal stories" or "imagined dreams".
Bedtime is sweet, and satisifying. Ahhh.

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