Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Another face + flood of memories

This is an image from my personal journal entry on April 15, 2008. I'm very acquainted with it because I've been using it on my fliers advertising this wonderful "Women's Mexico Retreat".

I was especially happy with the sketch, which I completed in the Club Santiago condo, during quiet time, because I captured the intense focus this beautiful young girl held as she poured our "juice drink".

But what comes along with the face, hopefully suggested by the busy atmosphere behind her, was the flood of memories. The swirl of activity there at the Manzanillo Saturday Market was exciting. Everywhere there were colorful masses of everything imaginable - for sale. There was underwear, high-heeled sequined shoes, tomatoes, pottery, toys, and even a wheelbarrow full of candy, nuts and dried fruit. The wheelbarrow could follow you anywhere! And all the vendors had "deals" for you or "the best". It was intoxicatingly fun and exhausting.

So that's what floods my mind when I see this image - just thought I'd let you in on the fun! And that's what you will get when you catch a glimpse of an entry from your journal - when you come along and sketch with us on the retreat.


  1. Great blog.I am interested in the retreat. Please email me at

  2. I got the blog open through another path. Ahh-technology, every day I seem to learn something new. your site looks wonderful.

  3. People should read this.
