Thursday, May 14, 2009

April 15 ~ Wednesday at the Beach

Following quiet yoga, we finish our breakfast and all pack up for a day at the La Bonita Beach, just at the north end of the bay. Morning is cool with a grey mist hovering over the scenery. We silently watch to day waking activities going on around us like these fisherman who also seem to bring in food for the birds. I fall in love with the still boats harbored just out from us coupled with an old pier that served as a morning roost for pelicans.

As the sun began to break thru, more activity, families, and entertainment came our way. Our Lena discovered they offered "Young Coconuts" just like she reminisced where she was raised. A sweet smile covered her face. All round us complete families, from infants to Grama crowded tables around us. One table behind us was making everything from scratch. We took peeks as they made "limeade" from freshly squeezed limes and chopped cilantro for a salsa later in the day. Oh, what a divine aroma to smell wafting thru the beach air. The Mango Man saunters by us too offering treats (doesn't he have the most beautiful native features?) and also a percussion expert. The drummer, who's traveling set was composed with 3-1 lb. coffee cans, empty and inverted, along with square sticks, was totally into his element as he sang and danced. I also work up a sketch for Dorian and Bonnie who were interested in seeing Watercolor Pencils at work. Although they offer great portability and flexibility, I find it difficult to take values to the extreme dark that I often like to work with. So I eventually take to my watercolors to finish off the very dark areas in the shadows.
We are scheduled to head back to the Condo for another demo and it's application, "Making Your Own Stamps". Several choose beach umbrellas as the simple image for creating their stamp. And pages bordered with happy, multi-colored umbrellas begin to fill the journals.
Need for dinner lurks in our empty stomachs and soon we head down to the nearby "Oasis Restaurant" on the beach just two blocks away. After all the luscious and large dinner we've been indulging in, I opt for a crisp green salad and am quite refreshed with my choice.
Our evening coffee and "talking stick" share, with Lena as our focus tonight, takes place back at the Sierra Madra complex. Things have gradually and graciously quieted down in the neighborhood as the Easter Weekend get farther and farther from us. Again, we are intrigued and amazed at the various travels of our peers who have traversed so many different places and so many different experiences to be sitting in front of us as beautiful, generous and lovely human spirits ... with so much to offer.
We all return to our beds feeling blessed for who we are and for those surrounding us.

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