Friday, February 20, 2009

Only 2 (yes, that's "two") Spots Remaining

Ok, all you "cabin-fever" effected ladies, it's time to toss in the towel and sign up for the two remaining "beds with palettes" slots in the Women's Mexico Retreat.

I'm so excited that we have women from different states, different walks of life, different ages, and different perspectives attending! The mix of talents and experiences will provide a whole other dimension to the group. I can't wait to see the variety and creativity expressing in all those journal entries. All you already signed up are in for a treat.

I traveled down to the Bay Area last weekend to continue plotting with my friend and co-instructor, Damaris. We clarified each of our schedules and I got to preview some of Damaris' plans. Her mandala projects are a sampling of approaches that will present dynamically on the black paper she has us working on.

Things are still developing: I'm still considering a few venues for our outdoor sketching (would you prefer a park with fruit trees, a view over a lagoon or an active family beach scene, like the one here?) Also, I'm chewing on (no pun intended) a restaurant for our final evening together - would you like to walk to repeat an inexpensive, favorite place or take a chauffeured adventure to a more scenic overlook with more expensive tastes?

You could vote for your preference IF you join us all who are signed up! Just email me at: - we'd love to add you to the roster!